Appearance of the Texan dwarf crayfish (Cambarellus texanus)
The Texan dwarf crayfish, Cambarellus texanus, stands out due to its unique coloration and patterning. Its size remains relatively small, making it a suitable choice for smaller aquariums. The characteristic color and pattern of this crayfish contribute to its popularity among aquarium enthusiasts.
We offer the following options when selecting our crayfish:
Gender selection: Choose between a male or a female, depending on what you need for your aquarium.
Pair: One male and one female, ideal for observing natural behavior or starting a breeding program.
Breeding group: Consists of one male and two females, ideal for more effective breeding and interesting social dynamics in the aquarium.
Breeding the Texan dwarf crayfish (Cambarellus texanus)
Breeding Cambarellus texanus requires careful management of water conditions and close monitoring of environmental factors. Stable water quality and appropriate temperatures are crucial for successful reproduction of this species.
Socialization of the Texan dwarf crayfish (Cambarellus texanus)
The Texan dwarf crayfish is generally peaceful, but can display territorial behavior during the breeding season. Careful selection of tank mates is necessary to avoid conflicts. Ideally, they should be kept with similarly robust or larger peaceful species.
Diet of the Texan dwarf crayfish (Cambarellus texanus)
Cambarellus texanus is an omnivore whose diet should include both plant and animal foods. A balanced diet of crayfish food, vegetables and protein-rich snacks is important to support the health and vitality of the crayfish.
Tank design for the Texan dwarf crayfish (Cambarellus texanus)
An aquarium for the Texan dwarf crayfish should be rich in hiding places and structures. Plants, caves and a suitable substrate are essential. Regular monitoring of the water values is important to create a healthy living environment.
lat. Bezeichnung: | Cambarellus Texanus |
dt. Bezeichnung: | Texanischer Zwergflusskrebs |
Aussehen: | helles-dunkles braun, marmoriertes Muster |
Größe: | bis zu 3 cm |
Alter: | bis zu 2 Jahren |
Wesen: |
friedlich kann mit friedlichen Garnelen und Fischen vergesellschaftet werden (wenn die Wasserwerte übereinstimmen) |
Vermehrung: | nach 3 - 4 Wochen schlüpfen 40 - 50 Jungkrebse |
Futter: | Krebsfutter, Futtertabletten, braunes Herbstlaub |
Schwierigkeit | für Anfänger geeignet |
Anforderungen & Wasserwerte:
min. Anforderungen Aquarium | Wir empfehlen ein Becken von min. 50 L pro Paar |
Temperatur | 18 - 26 °C |
pH-Wert | 6,5 – 8,5 mol/l |
Gesamthärte (GH) | 5 - 20 ° dGh |
Karbonathärte (KH) | 3 - 12 ° dGh |
Leitwert für Osmose Wasser | ca. 5 - 20 µS |
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