Red racing snail - Vettina Waiginensis

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Red racing snail (Vittina waigiensis)

Appearance of the red racing snail (Vittina waigiensis)

The red racing snail, Vittina waigiensis, is known for its striking red shell, which is often decorated with darker stripes or dots. Its vibrant coloration makes it a remarkable eye-catcher in aquariums. The shell is robust and conical in shape, giving it a dynamic appearance.

Keeping the red racing snail (Vittina waigiensis)

Vittina waigiensis is undemanding to keep, but prefers clean and well-circulated water. They are ideal for planted aquaria, where they actively contribute to algae control. Stable water quality and regular cleaning are important for their health.

Socialization of the red racing snail (Vittina waigiensis)

The red racer snail is a peaceful species that gets on well with various fish species and other invertebrates. Its calm and reserved nature makes it an ideal addition to community aquariums.

Diet of the Red Racer Snail (Vittina waigiensis)

Vittina waigiensis feeds mainly on algae and biofilm, which it grazes off surfaces in the aquarium. In aquaria with low algae growth, its diet can be supplemented with special snail food or vegetables.

Tank design for the red racing snail (Vittina waigiensis)

A suitable aquarium for Vittina waigiensis should offer a variety of plants and surfaces that encourage algae growth. A varied environment with stones, roots and plants supports a healthy living environment. Regular monitoring of the water quality is recommended.

lat. Name: Vettina Waiginensis
German. German name: Red racing snail
Appearance: Shell golden/brown/red with fine brown lines
Size: up to 3 cm
Age: up to 8 years

very peaceful

can be socialized with peaceful fish, shrimps, crabs and other snails (if the water values match)

Reproduction: not possible in freshwater
Diet: Growth or snail food
Difficulty Suitable for advanced keepers

Requirements & water values:

Min. aquarium requirements We recommend a tank of at least 40 L
Water temperature 20 - 28 °C
pH value > 6.5 mol/l
Carbonate hardness (KH) > 3 ° dGh
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