Yellow basket shell - Corbicula Sp.

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Yellow basket mussel (Corbicula sp.)

Appearance of the yellow cockle (Corbicula sp.)

The yellow cockle, known as Corbicula sp., is known for its attractive yellow to golden shell color. Their compact shape and often brightly colored shells make them an interesting and decorative element in freshwater aquariums.

Keeping the yellow basket clam (Corbicula sp.)

Corbicula sp. is relatively easy to care for, but requires clean, well-filtered water. These mussels are effective filters and help to improve the water quality in the aquarium. They prefer sand or fine gravel as substrate.

Socialization of the yellow basket mussel (Corbicula sp.)

The yellow basket clam is a peaceful and reserved species that can be kept well with most peaceful fish and invertebrates. It is an excellent choice for community aquariums as it is non-invasive and will not harm other inhabitants.

Diet of the yellow basket clam (Corbicula sp.)

As a filter feeder, Corbicula sp. feeds mainly on particles in the water, including algae and microorganisms. In well-equipped aquaria, they often find sufficient food and additional feeding is not normally necessary.

Tank design for the yellow basket mussel (Corbicula sp.)

The ideal aquarium for Corbicula sp. contains a soft substrate such as sand into which they can burrow. Sufficient filtration and regular water changes are important to maintain high water quality and keep the mussels healthy.

lat. Name: Corbicula Sp.
German. Name: Yellow basket mussel
Appearance: golden yellow to light brown shell
Size: up to 4 cm
Age: unknown

very peaceful

can be socialized with peaceful fish, shrimps, snails and other mussels (if the water values match)

Reproduction: possible in fresh water
Difficulty Suitable for beginners and advanced keepers

Requirements & water values:

Min. aquarium requirements We recommend a tank of at least 20 L
Water temperature 16 - 28 °C
pH value > 6.5 mol/l
Carbonate hardness (KH) > 5 ° dGh
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