Apple snail 'Giant'Jumbo - Pila Ampullacea

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Apple snail 'Giant' Jumbo - Pila ampullacea

The 'Giant' Jumbo apple snail (Pila ampullacea) from Southeast Asia is a majestic addition to any aquarium. With a shell diameter of up to 10 cm, it impresses with its size and striking, conical shell in reddish-brown to dark brown tones. This peaceful and robust snail is a real delight for beginners and experienced aquarists alike.

Appearance of the 'Giant' Jumbo apple snail

The Pila ampullacea is characterized by its smooth, thick-walled shell, which sometimes shows spiral patterns. It is one of the largest aquarium snails and a real eye-catcher in the tank thanks to its striking appearance. The snail has a calcified operculum, which emphasizes its resilience.

Keeping and care

For species-appropriate keeping, an aquarium of 40 liters or more is recommended, as the snail needs plenty of space to crawl due to its size. The substrate should be fine-grained to make burrowing easier. Pila ampullacea prefers calm, warm water with a temperature between 24 and 28 °C and a pH value of 6 to 7. A sufficient source of calcium in the water is essential to support healthy development.

Socialization of the 'Giant' Jumbo apple snail

This peaceful snail species is ideal for keeping with other peaceful aquarium inhabitants such as fish, shrimps and other snails. Pila ampullacea does not disturb its tankmates and contributes to the cleanliness of the aquarium by grazing on algae and growth.

Diet of the 'Giant' Jumbo apple snail

The apple snail feeds on algae and dead plant matter and can be fed with special snail food or fresh vegetables such as zucchinis. Make sure that there are sufficient sources of calcium to support the formation of its strong shell.

Recommended tank design

For an optimal living environment, set up the aquarium with some robust plants, roots and rocks. As Pila ampullacea sometimes nibbles on plants, you should use hardy species such as Anubias. Dense planting provides the snail with a varied environment and promotes its well-being.

lat. Name: Pila Ampullacea
German. German name: Apple snail 'Giant' Jumbo
Appearance: reddish/brown shell, sometimes with stripes
Size: up to 10 cm
Age: unknown

very peaceful

can be socialized with peaceful fish, shrimps, crabs and other snails (if the water values match)

Reproduction: possible in fresh water
Diet: Growth or snail food
Difficulty Suitable for beginners and advanced keepers

Requirements & water values:

Min. aquarium requirements We recommend a tank of at least 40 L
Water temperature 24 - 28 °C
pH value > 7.5 mol/l
Carbonate hardness (KH) > 5 ° dGh
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Mega Tier:)
5 from 5
Mega Tier:)

Wunderschön und faszinierend. Streift fit durch das Becken:)

Total entries: 4
Sehr schöne große Schnecke
5 from 5
Sehr schöne große Schnecke

Sehr schöne große Schnecke schaut wunderbar aus wenn sie durch das Aquarium zieht ich habe mir zwei Stück bestellt alle beide sind heil angekommen bin sehr zufrieden

Sehr schöne Tiere
5 from 5
Sehr schöne Tiere

Da wir wohl von diesesn Faszinierenden Schnecken einfach nicht genug bekommen konnten mussten noch 3 Stück her für unser großes Becken . Alles super

Tolles tier
5 from 5
Tolles tier

Mega große schnecke ,hatte nicht gedacht das sie so groß ist,ein richtiger Blickfang im Aquarium

Giant Jumbo sagt schon alles
5 from 5
Giant Jumbo sagt schon alles

Was ein Tier. Am Anfang schwamm sie oben, dank des netten Kundenservices wusste ich dann, dass das kein Problem war. Nun gleitet sie seelenruhig durchs Becken. Sehr beeindruckendes Tier

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