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Nesaea crassicaulis is a recommendable and pretty aquarium plant from Africa, but requires a relatively large amount of light. The plants grow to a height of 30-50 cm and a width of 8-15 cm. Growth is promoted in soft and slightly acidic water. The lower leaves must also receive sufficient light, otherwise they will turn black and fall off. Resembles the Ammannia species and is often confused with them, but in the aquarium it can be recognized by its yellow-green stem. Easy propagation by side shoots or cuttings, which are cut off and planted in the substrate.
Standort: | Hintergrund |
Herkunft: | Afrika |
Wachstum: | mittel |
Höhe: | bis zu 30 cm |
Lichtbedarf: | mittel |
CO2: | mittel |
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